#9: Renee Lui
@freud.intensifies 🧠🚨🧠🚨🧠, Empty Gallery in Aberdeen, rolling your own tobacco 🚬🗿, André Breton’s Nadja 🌫🪞, 食療!!!!! 🥣💆🏻♀️🌿
Born and raised in Hong Kong, Renee Lui the Managing Director of Young Soy Gallery, focused on “cultivating and celebrating radical cultural influences.” Only 23 years old, she’s making a name for herself in the city’s alternative arts scene as possibly THE YOUNGEST art gallery director in all of Hong Kong. While the world of ‘high’ art prides itself on exclusivity, Renee’s work at Young Soy Gallery is built around creating alternative environments where “anyone feels welcome” and where underground artists are celebrated. She develops exhibition concepts from start to finish, and responsible for some of the coolest and most experimental arts events in the city: Young Soy’s upcoming exhibit, titled “Missed Calls,” is curated by Renee and explores the disconnection of the human — from nature and from other humans — in our highly urbanized world. Here are her recommendations on THE CHOW:
Follow @freud.intensifies on Instagram 🧠🎭
There’s this one meme page that I love a lot called @freud.intensifies, which posts some nerdy and mostly unhinged memes about one’s psychological states.
I’m a big fan of psychoanalysis. And seeing these memes, they’re very very silly… kind of intellectual but sort of relatable… funny and nerdy at the same time… merging the high and the low. (I think memes are a very postmodern thing.)
Visit Empty Gallery in Aberdeen ⬛🔲
Empty Gallery is really cool. They have a lot of installation pieces, and their space is just a big black cube. Their entire setting is very industrial and the art they champion can get a little bit extreme. Strongly recommend.
Rolling your own tobacco 🚬🗿
It’s economical. Rolled cigarettes taste better. I’m not a fan of minty cigarettes, or cigarettes that taste very strong like Marlboro.
If you roll your own, you don’t smell (because of the little additives and fragrances in the store-bought tobacco). And also, you look a lot cooler than the people who smoke the packed ones.
Read André Breton’s Nadja 🌫🪞
I really like reading abstract texts. One recent favorite read of mine is Nadja by André Breton. He’s a surrealist artist, and so he also has very surrealist writings. The book’s narratives are kind of messed up. It’s just all over the place and I love that.
Listen to Juditha Triumphans by Vivaldi 🎼
Lately I’ve been obsessed with Baroque music and my favaourite piece is Juditha triumphans by Vivaldi. It’s an oratorio about Judith who saved her home country by seducing the general who invaded Venice, killed him and cut his head off. That story got depicted in a lot of very beautiful paintings.
Funny enough, I put Juditha triumphans on loop while I’m working.
食療 / Food Therapy 🥣💆🏻♀️🌿
I’m starting to learn food therapy, and how to make medicinal soup in particular. In Chinese culture, during different seasons, your body reacts differently to the climate. Getting into these soups and other forms of food therapy have been really really helpful in balancing out my body when the temperature’s been changing.